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E-Bike Project

The most appropriate solution to every request on E-bike system

Newen makes available its wealth of experience and know-how to every producer of bikes, in Italy and everywhere. These are useful skills for more different requirements of his own target/customer, accommodating to every single request in a successful and very professional way, to achieve the most appropriate E-bike system.

Thanks to a wide goal of staff and specialized expert, skilled in every technological context on E-bike system, Newen support in a successful way the Bike’s manufacturing company in every type of requirement. The working group can optimize and personalize every part of the E-bike, according to the request, from driveunit to display until the battery pack. Thanks to the technology that Newen has, these are all elements which can be implemented according to specific characteristics and actually realized.

So, Newen is able to face out any technological challenge and offer support and concrete solutions for every problem of E-bike system, tracking and intervening operationally with innovative instruments and forefronts software.

Newen meets every customer needs, studying the successful solution for every kind of request, supported by world-wide leading manufacturing company.

A network of professional skills and a consolidated wealth of experience to absolve brilliantly every type of request for the production of the E-bike system.

That is Newen’s power.

We will develop together the successful E-bike system, suitable for your requirements.

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